Sunday, October 25, 2009


On a recent overnight holiday in Newport, Oregon--staying at our favorite place, The Sylvia Beach Hotel--I came upon a book by Sage Cohen Writing The Life Poetic.  Towards the end of this wonderful volume, there is a chapter on blogging.  Ms. Cohen suggests a challenge to oneself to start a poetry blog and commit to "publishing:" a new poem a day.  I have decided to take up this challenge--though a little modified at this time.  I will commit to "publishing" on this blog at least one new poem a week.  I will also publish random thoughts and inspirations.  I invite others to post their poetry if they wish, any feedback (which would be so much appreciated), and inspirations.  All I ask is that we all show mutual consideration and respect.  I do not expect to see anything that is personally damaging to anyone, pornographic or to see solicitations for businesses, etc.  Enjoy this space and share with me the great universal creative energy that is within all of us.  Not all of the poems I post will be considered finished (is a poem ever finished, really?)--and I may post revisions. 


  1. P.S. As always, when considering any poem, the speaker in the poem is not necessarily me and any resemblance to people, places, situations, life happenings, etc. to actual people, places and so on...may or may not be accurate. Please do not take anything I write as necessarily factual. This is poetry.

  2. P.S.S. Any poetry I post here, of course, is copyrighted by me. Please respect that.
